Based on new guidance which of these do not make an SAY BUT remains a Standard set of terms.(Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press results)

Based on new guidance which of these do not make an SAY BUT remains a Standard set of terms.(Place your vote by submitting. Come back often to see what everyone is thinking. Just press results)
All the above
18  36%
Two Semesters 15 weeks and 20 weeks
10  20%
Two Semesters 14 weeks and 14 weeks
9  18%
None of the above
7  14%
Three Quarters 13 weeks, 12 weeks and 12 weeks
6  12%

Number of Voters  :  50
First Vote  :  Wednesday, November 13, 2019 11:58 AM
Last Vote  :  Friday, November 15, 2019 02:52 PM